Why does the media hate Joker?
And what does that tell us about the state of our society?
By creating so much fear around the film, the media is admitting that our current situation is, indeed, f#cked up.
As preparation for the release of Joker, the NYC police announced that they would be doing something unprecedented: they would be sending undercover officers to several of the theaters that were screening it. This decision was a result of much controversy that has formed around the film.
This controversy stemmed from the many negative pieces that came out about this film. In an almost prophetic manner, the media spewed out a barrage of articles saying that the Joker film was dangerous and would surely inspire a mass shooter. So far, nothing like that has happened, despite the manufactured fear.
Critics have called this movie everything from “Brilliant and unforgettable” to “A viewing experience of rare, numbing emptiness.” The negative reviews of the film have come, for the most part, from critics who are worried about the repercussions the movie might have in the real world. Given the current era of mass shootings, critics and other people have warned that some of the film’s themes might be dangerous.
Many of these people are worried about the character of the Joker justifying violence from certain groups. In the film, Arthur Fleck is a man with good intentions who gets pushed around by life. Throughout the film, his constant failures and suffering take a toll on him, and we eventually see him devolve into the cold-blooded murderer that is the Joker.
Since the movie allows us to empathize with him early on, critics argue, it might encourage certain groups to follow in his footsteps. Some point to white males as the vulnerable group, while others point to the incel (Involuntarily Celibate) men. These arguments are flawed and ignore other films with similar themes, but more on that later.
Both of the groups the media points at have one thing in common: they’re all disenfranchised young men. In order to understand why there’s so much concern about young males in general, we first need to understand how a large portion of them have come to ‘fall through the cracks in the first place.
The problems men face
Chances are that you’ve heard a “crisis of masculinity” is going on. This term generally points to the fact that a large number of men, especially young men, are falling behind in society in many ways. Many of them are dropping out of society altogether, both figuratively and literally, unfortunately.
Men face a plethora of issues in our modern societies: a school system in which they’re considered defective girls, a media which constantly shames them and tells them their masculinity is “toxic,” a workplace in which they’re at the mercy of HR departments and women’s sexual allegations…
Men have grown up watching sitcoms in which the male characters are portrayed as stumbling buffoons. They have been denied opportunities such as scholarships to accommodate women and told that they should accept it because “the future is female.” They are sedated and unable to express their masculine nature from pre-K to the job market.
Moreover, modernity has made it very difficult for men to find meaning in their lives. Women’s liberation and the breakdown of the nuclear family have eliminated the provider role that men have happily filled for millennia. This has effectively deprived men of one of the biggest things that gave a man’s life meaning.
White males, especially, have had it rough. Black and Latino men, for example, still have a quasi-safe haven for their masculinity. Their status as minorities causes gives them immunity from the mainstream. Even when talking about thug culture, the media turns a blind eye and sometimes even praises it as a cultural expression. There is no equivalent for white males.
It’s no surprise, then, that increasing numbers of men are turning into opiates, pornography, and video games. A growing number of men have decided to adopt “NEET” lifestyles, preferring to indulge in dopaminergic activities rather than contributing to a society that has failed them. Even worse, many end up committing suicide, with more than two-thirds of suicides being male.
But, of course, not all men decide to just give up and quit. Some of these disenfranchised men decide to form online communities and movements. The MGTOW community came to exist partially as a result of men’s unfair treatment in the legal system, especially in divorce proceedings. MGTOWs actively encourage men to “go their own way” and avoid any serious relationships.
Other cliques are more ambiguous in their messaging. The Incel communities, which are often portrayed as cesspools of radicalization and hate, actually have a diverse range of opinions from its members. Some Incels say that doing anything is pointless and that LDAR “Lay Down and Rot” is the only option.
Others express their resentment and frustrations, without any particular call to action. But some Incels take it further. They defend or call for hatred against women, and sometimes even violence. Some of them, implicitly or explicitly, praise mass shooters such as Elliot Rodgers. It is because of this subset of Incels that the word Incel has become synonymous with violence.
Yet none of these groups pose any real threat to the status quo. They are still relatively obscure, esoteric communities that don’t have a real impact on the mainstream. This is where Joker comes in.
Arthur Fleck’s situation very closely resembles what young men are going through in recent times. Not all men are failed comedians, but most can relate to feeling unappreciated. Not all men have uncontrollable fits of laughter, but most can relate to being shunned and attacked for their natural male traits. Not all men feel disenfranchised, but way too many do.
We’re alienating young men. We’re telling them that they’re patriarchal oppressors and denizens of rape culture and, you know, tyrants-in-waiting…It’s awful. It’s so destructive. It’s so unnecessary. And it’s so sad.”
-Jordan Peterson
This is why Joker has received such a bad rep. by the mainstream. Either they are completely disconnected from the current realities of young men, which is a likely possibility seeing the caliber of ivory-tower journalists in the industry. Or they are aware of the current situation, and they are aware of how well Joker encapsulates it. And, most importantly, they are aware that a film like Joker can greatly affect the mainstream. By creating so much fear around the film, the media is admitting that our current situation is, indeed, f#cked up.
This is an interesting case of projection that doesn’t happen with any other film releases. Django Unchained showed a runaway slave massacring dozens of white Southerners, yet nobody in the media warned about how this film would inspire African-Americans to commit mass shootings. Why is that?
Queen and Slim, a film released around the same time as Joker, is about a black man who shot a police officer running away from the law. In the era of Black Lives Matter and controversy about police brutality, why was there no concern about this film? Wouldn’t victims of police mistreatment be more vulnerable to this type of messaging, as it could fuel feelings of resentment?
The fact that events such as mass shootings generate profit for the media sure plays into it. As the saying goes: “if it bleeds, it leads.” However, this explanation vastly understates the other causes behind the Joker outrage. It also doesn’t explain why the Joker is the only film to get this treatment.
The reason these films didn’t face the same scrutiny as Joker is simple: the real disenfranchised people in our society are young, (usually) white males. There have been countless films showing the misfortunes of minorities, LGBT people, and women for a long time. Yet Joker is the first film that shines a sympathetic light on the struggles of white males.
Because of this, Joker is sacrilege for the progressive-dominated media. Hollywood’s liberal indoctrination machine could not let a film like Joker come out unscathed. It exposes the anti-Western agenda too well, and that’s what the elites behind the mainstream fear the most.
At its core, Joker is a threat to globalist goals. They work very hard at hiding the decay of modern America because it makes Americans either apathetic or none-the-wiser. This allows them to freely push for policies such as open borders and free trade with impunity. I will elaborate further on these ideas in future pieces.
Still, by bringing attention to the poor situation of America’s forgotten demographic, a film like Joker might serve as a wake-up call for people. Documentaries like The Red Pill don’t cause as much panic among the elites because they’re simply not relevant enough to penetrate the mainstream. But Joker definitely is. That is why they hate it.