So, pointing out double standards of the media and the elites makes one a snowflake? Did you run out of degrading words already that you have to borrow words used by the other ‘side’? It’s ridiculous. Just another strategy used to try to discredit the opposition right from the get go.
The concern over the reaction to this tragedy is very real. When the New Zealand massacre happened none of the people in these tweets hesitated to use the words Muslim and white nationalist. This is a side by side comparison of Hillary Clinton’s tweets for each event:
Notice how there’s clear mention of the “global Muslim community” and a clear call to action against “white supremacist terrorists” in the New Zealand one. I guess that’s comparable to her praying for the “Easter Worshippers”…
No matter how much you try to argue against it, people are not stupid. People realize that a narrative is being pushed on them.
We do agree on something though: Using their deaths to score points is especially disgraceful. The Democratic establishment, mainstream media, and journalists are disgraceful for fearmongering and aggrandizing the supposed “rise of white nationalist violence” whilst downplaying or straight-up ignoring the real threat of Islamist terrorism. It truly is disgraceful.
Praying for the victims of both atrocities.