I'm honestly surprised your story made it all the way to the front page. I would have thought the Medium administration would bury the story or/and shadow ban you as they did me as soon as I started writing about topics like these. But I guess even thought gatekeepers like them slip up now and then.
You did a fantastic job of summarizing what those of us who think critically have known for so long. Even in a platform such as Medium, filled with so many dogmatic people with set beliefs, it's worth it to make articles like this so that even a few people can start opening up their eyes.
The trend of anti-white hate is incredibly worrying, though. If the reception of this article is anything to go by, getting through to white liberals with cultish beliefs will be too difficult and take too long. Things aren't going to get any better with the shift demographics, something which even leftists themselves are starting to brag about. When you talked about feeling betrayed for not thinking of non-whites as different from you and not getting the same treatment in return, you are looking at white problem, the truly important and real one, of having too little regard about themselves as too much regard for others. Whether they like it or not, whites urgently need to start advocating for themselves.