Awesome. You’re among the 1% of Western women who will so much as consider a guy who’s not a full head taller than them. Well, at least you say you are.
Regardless, it’s great that you’re actually talking about height issues. Most people, both men and women, will completely ignore the subject or even partake in heightism as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
I particularly loved how early into the article you brought this up:
It would be no less offensive than if a man asked a woman how much she weighed.
Heightism might be the norm in Darwinian conditions, but so would be shaming fat and unattractive women. Since we are more enlightened and civilized than that, both of these are wrong. The problem is that one of these issues (bet ya can’t guess which one it is) is largely ignored whilst the other is relentlessly talked about. This is why I have no qualms going off on how fat, ugly, or old a woman is if I hear her belittling a man for their height. If you play with fire, don’t be surprised if you get burned.